Saturday, July 3, 2010

Founder's Message

For a long time now, Kenya has been facing a number of chronic social, political, economic and environmental problems which have caused many challenges in the development of; education, health, poverty reduction, gender empowerment, population control and the mainstreaming of marginalized and deprived communities and groups. Degrading social and cultural values, derailed youth and disappointing performances by social and economic indicators are representative of a state of disillusionment on all fronts of development efforts undertaken so far, while the degradation of the environment is also emerging as one of the pressing issues that need to be addressed by means of empowering communities at a grassroots level.
Having said all this, what can a non-governmental organization like MWAYEO do to raise the profile of human rights issues? What we have done in the past is to design and undertake activities which lead directly to community empowerment by strengthening peoples’ voices and enhancing their capacities at a grassroots level. We at MWAYEO are inspired to tackle the root causes of poverty, environmental degradation , and social and economic imbalances and exclusions, by finding and providing practical solutions which, when accepted in good faith and translated into positive action, can have the highest potential for social transformation, justice and sustainable development.
As a dynamic organization, MWAYEO is committed to bringing a silent yet effective revolution to Kenya at a national level, similar in effect to the one demonstrated by bringing positive change to Masaba; one of its remotest villages. Over the past one year, true to its founding ideal, MWAYEO has been determined to continue growing, developing, improving and expanding. This journey is a never-ending process, and we have to equip ourselves to face new trends and challenges. To achieve these interests and aspirations, which we know we share with many like-minded colleagues, we wholeheartedly encourage the participation and collaboration of all national and international communities, whether it is in the form of moral, technical or financial support.

Thank you

Joseph Nyaundi

Chairperson /Board of Directors

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